Majors Bay Chamber of Commerce

The City of Canada Bay

Be part of our network of businesses and community

Partnering BUSINESS and COMMUNITY in The City of Canada Bay, located in the INNER WEST of SYDNEY

Members Corner

Marketing Goodness 


Meet Beck, she's a local marketing consultant supporting small business owners and lean marketing teams.

Struggling to juggle marketing while running your business? You're not alone.

Most business owners tell Beck that they’d love to pay more attention to marketing, but they don’t know where to start.

Beck can change that. She'll help you get crystal clear on your ideal customers, pinpoint what they truly need to hear and create a tailored marketing strategy that works for you.

If you're ready to stop winging it and start attracting more leads the right way, have a chat with Beck.

She can help you get the marketing basics right with a strategy session.
- Get clear on who you're talking to, what you need to do when you need to do it, and how you're going to get it done.
- Show up on LinkedIn and win clients.

She can help with content creation
Do you know what you want to say but struggle to put it into words? She can write it for you:

• Blogs, Articles
• Websites
• Product and Service Brochures • eBooks • Social Media Copy • e-news & More

Beck can provide the extra hands, expertise and clarity you need so that marketing gets done and your business grows.

Get in touch

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